Letras de Ricardo Arjona

Letra de Ricardo Arjona - Duele verte (en inglés), Musica de Ricardo Arjona - Duele verte (en inglés)

Ricardo Arjona - Duele verte (en inglés)

Letra de Ricardo Arjona - Duele verte (en inglés)
it hurts to see a guy who lacks ideas
and has too many arguments
anesthesia because it hurts to see was the thing
because it wanted your luck.
while i heat up the bench
wearing t-shirt to include me in your future.
while i give you day
what he does not meet in the evenings.
here's your secret
pa 'playing hide and guerrilla lover
pa 'take cover your lack of kindness and indulgence.
although i am not in the photo of your parents room
or at the christening of his nephew.
and now you have two and i would split a.
close doors and windows
the sky itself will branch
on the seventh floor at eleven fifty.
the duration of the kisses and let the clock.
close doors and windows in ninety minutes
will have to compensate the caresses that fit into holes
left by the secret meetings and loneliness.
is that you now have two, and i would split a.
maybe your conscience will punish you at night
and encourage you in the morning.
may be that one day we run out of so many future
and you're still with your theater.
meanwhile entrenched kiss me
such that for being guilty
are like water in the desert.
take me as the tequila,
of one stroke and without thinking.
if someone wins you, dear friend
even if you think otherwise.
and now you have two and i would split a.

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